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'The Catcher in the Rye' Quotes J.D. Salinger’s utilization of casual language in The Catcher in the Rye is a piece of the...

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Encouragement and Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Encouragement and Development - Essay Example This is not say that certain subjects did not interest me; they did. Rather, it is merely to assert that I found it difficult to imagine myself passionately pursuing any course of study based on the ones that I was currently introduced to within the standard high school curriculum. As anyone who has attended high school can attest, standard high school curriculum is most closely associated with reading, writing, arithmetic, and standard sciences (to include chemistry, physics, and biology). Once again, even though these interested me, they were not something that captured my imagination or intrigued me to pursue as a potential career choice and/or college major in the future. However, upon my junior year, I signed up for a course in information technology. Although I have always been somewhat talented and gifted in computers and software applications, I had never considered information technology as a potential career choice; or even choice of major for that matter. Yet, the subject matter itself, although intriguing, was not ultimately what encouraged me to the greatest degree. As a result of an exceptional teacher, Mr. Watkins, I was introduced to a broad and deep level of information that I had previously only scratched the surface of. To me, such a reality was unique due to the fact that prior to attending high school I was, of course, aware of the fact that mathematics and science is as well as literature and the arts were accident parts of the world and is necessarily defined the means by which the human experience and achievement took place. Conversely, prior to signing up for and participating in this for Watkins information technology class, I ha ve little if any for knowledge of the range and depth that the complexity of information technology could afford anyone who studied it.  Ã‚  

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

How do media affect public opinion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

How do media affect public opinion - Essay Example So let’s take a look at a few concepts of affecting public opinion by media. The term "public opinion" (English public opinion) first was applied in the second half of XII century. English statesman Lord Salisbury used it for definition of moral support of the country for acts of parliament. Gradually the term became common. Public opinion represents a specific manifestation of mass consciousness, based on the estimates (verbal and nonverbal) of social processes and it characterizes the attitude of people to socially significant events and facts, actual problems of social life (Gorodyanenko, pp.308). According to the concept of total influence, public opinion is formed mostly under the considerable influence of mass media information, circulated by communicative channels. Such kind of information largely defines social values and forms stereotypes and cultural dominants in society. Propaganda motives can help form dominants in the society (Gorodyanenko, pp.325-326). Such appro ach to the media leads to the disjunction of society on masses and elite, and the masses is influenced by the elite, despite of being the largest part of it. Elite’s priority is the obtrusion of its standards and values. The elite is much more active object of the structure of society, it determines the value system, cultural and social objects, what helps the elite to subordinate the masses. The concept of the â€Å"mass society† leads us to the perception of necessary changes in the social values, because propagation of the simplified cultural dominants causes the reduction of the common cultural level (Gorodyanenko, pp.327-328). On the other side, there is a concept of limited effects. It’s main idea is that media is not the sufficient impact factor in forming of the public opinion; it is not able to provide the total changes of attitudes and beliefs of individuals and groups. The audience of the media varies on its views on life, and, accordingly, the obtain ed information. Distinct layers and individuals differ much and react differently on what they are told or what they see. But media can cause the unpredictable consequences of their affecting the public, because a man is not a passive recipient of information, but a generator of ideas based on the received information. Pursuant to the concept of limited effects, media is considered to be separated and independent of the authorities. It is a social institute and a spreader of the information, almost free of the external pressure, and its job is only to inform the public, but not to manipulate it. Personally I do not agree with that point of view, so let’s explore in details the mechanisms of TV’s influence, because today it is the most powerful media tool that affects people’s consciousness. Impact on adults Foremost, it’s a political impact. Electioneering makes a strong pressure on the public opinion. Hundreds of promises of political leaders repeated ma ny times gradually do their job because, in spite of his social status or financial situation, a man will always be an optimist. So he would rather vote for the person, who often appears on TV, takes part in different debates and embodies potential though ephemeral desired possibility of living. Also it is important to state that today there is a dominance of the TV-shows and their popularity increases continuously. However, the depicted image of reality in these shows does not always coincide

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Education Via Facebook Benefits And Challenges Education Essay

Education Via Facebook Benefits And Challenges Education Essay As many teachers might attest, students diligently clicking away at their laptops during class are not always taking notes or interacting with class material. If their minds are wondering, chances are they are browsing the Internet. Though the internet provides many options for diversion, statistics show that one of the most likely places students are spending a portion of their class time is on Facebook. As likely as Facebook is to be a distraction in the classroom it also has the potential to be a teaching tool when used strategically and creatively. Social Media is an emerging technology with growing popularity. Most students and educators are familiar with Facebook. Some argue that Facebook isnt a reliable mean to transform knowledge between educators and students and is viewed as rather distracting than beneficiary. In this paper, I will review findings by some researchers to understand the relationship between Facebook and education, and whether it could be a reliable mean to b e used in Education by educators and students as nowadays, people are divided into two major groups in terms of familiarly with technology: digital immigrants and digital natives (Siegle 2011). Digital natives are those who have always relied on technology as a way of life where Digital Immigrants are people who live in two worlds, one of which technology is overlooked. In the second world, it dominated our lives and became a recognized necessity (Siegle 2011); e.g. while digital immigrants prefer to use emails; digital natives prefer to use text messaging. Conventional media such as radio, television, and newspapers are associated with many challenges related to high costs and access limitations. Social media, on the other hand, is highly accessible anytime and anywhere the internet can reach (Tiryakioglu and Erzurum 2011). Conventional media cannot be changed after production, whereas social media can be immediately changed and/or updated via comments, likes, and dislikes. According to researchers, social networks can help developing communication skills and encourage participation and social commitment (Tiryakioglu and Erzurum 2011) Facebook can be defined as an online platform where users can create profiles, generate and share content and information, and interact with other known and unknown contacts (Boyd and Ellison 2007). Following its launch in 2006, Facebook has grown rapidly in terms of the number of users and the amount of time its users spend browsing compared to other websites. Facebook is now considered to be the dominant network of all the international social networks and has led people to abandon other websites like MySpace, which some have gone so far as to refer to as the ghetto of social networks (Siegle 2011). In this paper, I will present and discuss what other scholars have concluded from their research on the use and effects of social networks (i.e. Facebook) in education. The studies used in this paper were conducted on teachers, university professors, college students, and high school students to understand and assess the usage of social networks in the light of education and its effect on students academic achievements as well as fulfilling the desire of promoting knowledge and maintaining effective and efficient student interaction with educators. This paper will eventually answer the following question: does Facebook usage by students and educators improve the interaction between both parties to promote knowledge? The objective of this essay is to present the benefits and challenges that face students and educators in practicing their role in education in the light of using Facebook. Communication through Facebook is different from traditional face-to-face communication. First, friendships through Facebook are explicit, where traditional friendships usually tend to be implicit. Secondly, conversations through Facebook are persistent. They are permanently stored and easily retrieved at any point in time. Finally, Facebook conversations are shared with all friends who can access someones profile (Siegle 2011). While Facebook enhances the process of communication, it is important to perceive it as a possible threat to its users privacy, which may in turn cost them educational and career opportunities (Siegle 2011). Fortunately, this threat can be avoided by a simple application of personal judgement before sharing private matters a person does not desire to be shareable with anyone at any point in time. Before I discuss the usage of Facebook by college students, lets take an overview on the first time Facebook is used by young users (teenagers, for example). Unlike the past, teens dont need to physically leave the house to socialize. Facebook is used as a primary communication activity through which they post, comment, and share information with each other. To preserve this tool, young users ought to be advised from the beginning as to how to use social networks responsibly and be aware of all the issues that might arise from such activity including exposed privacy. Facebook can provide a window into anyones life. Given that fact, it is the responsibility of the parents to monitor and provide guidelines to their children once they start using Facebook. The use of Facebook by students entails education-related interactions, while some use it to obtain information on a missed class, others may use Facebook to engage in humorous comments about their own and their teachers actions. Todays classroom lexicon contains words with different meanings, including post, message, tag, poke, and inbox (Fewkes and McCabe 2012). No one can deny the fact that Facebook broke down the barriers between students and educators because the informal learning that occurs in the context of sharing media offers important opportunities for increased student involvement in formal learning settings (Fewkes and McCabe 2012). Psychologists have argued that a learning community would perform its best if the characteristics of connectedness and trust have been established amongst the learners (Fewkes and McCabe 2012). For this reason, education remains one of the areas most heavily impacted by technology. Although some argue that technologies like Facebook could involve some challenges for students, that is, when implementing new technologies in classrooms, it is important that teachers focus on promoting knowledge rather than simply being a source of information (Siegle 2011). Moreover, the nature of multimedia can captivate students easily; too much multimedia stimulation can interfere with the deeper cognitive processing that is critical to learning (The American Psychological Association). Aaron M. Fewkes and Mike McCabe conducted a survey on a sample of students at Waterloo Regional District School Board after the latter had made a decision to embrace the growing popularity of Facebook to verify if their vision of using Facebook in schools aligns with the actual behaviour of the students. The results show that 48% of students do log on to Facebook at least once during class time, moreover, the research exposed a possible disconnect between school board and students due to improper implementation of this policy. Facebook, however, can be a powerful communication tool that could serve as a professional resource for educators. ( Pilgrim and Bledsoe, 2011). Educators can respond to the use of technology in their classrooms in five ways: 1 1. Ban it: This has been deemed ineffective due to the fact that technology is becoming a part of our life that we constantly use. Typical workarounds are hiding devices behind books and texting from pockets. 2. Do business as usual: I disagree with this behaviour of educators as it is the educators responsibility to engage the students in their classrooms 3. Limit the use of Technology: a clear guideline indicating what is to be tolerated and what would be unacceptable. 4. Enhance traditional practice: Technology is dependent on users. 5. Use the technology to restructure the educational process: encourage students to use technology for inquiry, problem solving and/or instruction. If I was an instructor, my choice would be the fifth option, as it is the most effective and efficient according to the studies conducted by Pilgrim, Beldsoe, and Siegle, who all have concluded in their studies the importance of learning how to incorporate Facebook into the education process. The use of technology allows students to use social media websites like Facebook to engage in formal or informal discussions with their instructor as well as their fellow students. There are many ways educators and students can connect using Facebook. For instance, the teacher can post comments for the students, students can post their final work for their peers to review and provide feedback, and also students can use the wall feature to ask questions and respond to each other. In addition, I would set up a central page where all classroom mates can join to participate at any time of their choice to exchange knowledge and understanding of the subject being studied. Using social media should be, however, accompanied by some important precautions which educators should adhere to when using Facebook as a tool for educating students:2 1. Teachers should consider setting up a separate Facebook account 2. Educators should obtain signed parental consent prior to interacting with young students on Facebook. 3. Teachers should refrain from installing any applications on their page that would negatively affect their professional image. 4. Educators should remind students that they need to transfer the respectful tone teachers expect in class to their online interactions with them and ensure that students are aware that a teachers ethical responsibility will continue online. According to some studies (Seigle 2011), educators who relied on Facebook to follow professional organizations were more knowledgeable than those who did not (Pilgrim and Bledsoe 2011). We live in an age in which we are fully dependent on instant updates and information, the rationale behind using Facebook as a tool for professional learning adopts the idea that the internet is this generations defining technology for literacy (Pilgrim and Bledsoe 2011). Facebook is indeed an important source of information for educators who seek to continue their learning. According to a study conducted on university instructors in Turkey, all instructors who participated in the survey somehow use Facebook in their courses; even the instructor with the lowest frequency had used Facebook to make announcements about the course by creating a group. The study concludes that instructors have adopted Facebook and they are using it intensively, with a greater tendency toward its use for educational purpose s. According to my cited sources, the studies recognized Facebook as a reliable source for academicians because it is flexible and user friendly, in addition, the sources emphasized on the role of Facebook as a medium between students and instructors and argued that Facebook can neither be solely dependable for conducting courses nor can it be ignored. After I have explored the usage of Facebook by educators as well as students and identified the benefits and challenges of such usage by each party, I can assert that Facebook is a dependable, reliable, and popular medium through which both educators and students can interact appropriately. In order for this medium of communication to work in its most effective and efficient way, students need to be trustful and self-regulated, that is, to refrain from the over- use of Facebook and eventually the addiction to it leading to damage to their potential academic achievement. In conclusion, Educators and students use Facebook; the education process should be focused on the interaction of each party with the other and not the technology itself. Facebook opens new doors to students and allows their knowledge to grow. Facebook also allows them to learn about themselves from their peers. It is my belief that social networks like Facebook will continue to evolve and optimize the education channels in the context of human communication. Educators should consider Facebook as a mean of enhanced communication that provides traceability to what has been discussed and a source of feedback and/or evaluation on whether the discussion has fulfilled what it is mandated for or not.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Under Age Drinking : The Problems It Creates :: Teenage Drinking

Under Age Drinking : The Problems It Creates   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It's a Saturday night, and the bars are packed. People are inside having a few, or more than a few, drinks. A select few are really drunk or passed out. Now lets step outside and take a look at a different type of drinking, drinking at an early age. High school and junior high kids are at a party drinking. Like the adults, some are just having a few, but quite a few are having more than that and are stumbling around.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  These kids have been given the idea that drinking is something that adults do, and we all know that kids can't wait to be grown up. Thus, they drink, figuring that if they can at least do what adults do then they will be grown up, in a way. This is how our society works. Enough with the philosophy of it. Now I would like to talk about the effects that early age drinking can have on a person. I grew up in a town that has the most bars per capata in the state of Montana and is in the top ten in the United States. This has a huge effect on under age drinkers. The bars card at the door and as long as your 18 your in. And since the bouncers will stamp nearly anyone they know or like the number of kids is always high. It dosn't help that Dillon is a college town and ther are many under age college kids there. Now lets imagine another party where kids are drinking. The bonfire is roaring, Bubba just decided that singeing everyone's eyebrows off by throwing some gasoline on the fire would be fun. Of course nobody thought that this was very funny except for Bubba. Bubba is not the only teenage person at this party who has had a few to many. There are a lot of under age kids who are just plain drunk. This is a regular kind of party in my hometown, everyone goes out and drinks to get drunk. The sad thing is, that these kind of parties happen a lot of time twice a week expecially during the spring. All this partying catches up with these young peolpe. They don't get jobs because they are too tired from partying all night or all weekend long. Thier grades start slipping. The worst effect, however has to be the addiction to alcohol. I've seen freshman who drink all the time because they feel they can't live without their alcohol. Of course you have to realize that this is a

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Htc Paper

Evaluate HTC’s performance to date. What are its competitive advantages and vulnerabilities? Cher Wang’s vision was to develop a hand-held computer like device and HTC eventually developed its first PDA, the iPAQ in 2000. HTC has always been behind the scenes by just selling high-quality, unbranded phones to cell phone manufacturers and wireless network operators. Eventually, HTC was commissioned to be an original design manufacturer (ODM), which means that HTC only had little responsibility for sales, marketing, or inventory management as HTC manufactured smartphones for branded handset companies and it designed phones for service providers such as T-Mobile and Vodafone and it supported operators by helping them build unique value propositions and optimize their services. This helped them differentiate from other ODMs and the mobile phone operator business provided better profit margins. Then HTC took the plunge and started its own brand operations by designing phones, which would be sold with the brand name of HTC. They wanted to differentiate it from competitors and have greater control over the company’s future. They focused on high-end ‘prosumer’ (the overlap of professionals and consumers) market. Revenue had soared from $1. 1 billion to $4. 6 billion in a span of 4 years and the gross profit jumped from a mere $212 million to a staggering $1. 5 billion dollars in the same time with sales in more than 70 countries. In 2009, the global recession threatened to slow down consumer spending but since HTC had a diverse customer base and focused on a high-growth market it expected to remain sales growth. Because price expectancies from a customer point of view were quite low, HTC had to lower its average sales price. It had to increase the share of common components to deliver significant improvements in terms of economies of scale. They tried to do it by using lower ASP, which could help reduce its dependency on operators. They also lowered production cost by opening up a second production facility in Shanghai and moving manufacturing to Mainland China. As far as the competitive advantages are concerned, a dynamic CEO who had laid out a clear-cut vision led HTC. They started out with a PDA device that represented more than 80% of its revenue and they didn’t stop at that point. The CEO was already thinking about the next growth platform, which was the mobile telecommunication market. The influence of the CEO who is driven to achieve stretch goals has shown to be a big strength to the company. Their advanced product innovation gave them the position to compete with big brands as Microsoft, Google and Vodafone. They became the first Taiwanese company to secure a 3G license. All of this led to HTC’s share price to surge 1000% between 2003 and 2006. As far as vulnerabilities are concerned, as one analyst rightly predicted, mobile market is like â€Å"soup du jour: Today one brand is hot, and tomorrow its leftover†. It means that the market is so volatile that a company to be successful, it has to do a lot of investment in R&D to be able to compete and drive product innovation which will eventually make the company stronger. HTC was late to the already crowded mobile market, which could make it a less familiar brand name. The company hardly had any patents, which means that they are bound to make high expenses on royalty payments to other companies. They were so used to selling custom ordered phones for niche market called prosumers and it could weaken the position of HTC due to high costs incurred by the company. Discuss HTC’s Operating systems (OS) strategy. Going forward, should it focus on Android or develop new directions? In 2009, the majority of Smartphones ran on one of five systems- Symbian, RIM’s Blackberry OS, Apple’s OS X, Microsoft’s Windows Mobile and Palm. Despite of the high market share, the operating system of Microsoft, Windows Mobile, shows more disadvantages then advantages for HTC corp. The view of Windows Mobile does not fit with HTC anymore. HTC want to be seen as a firm with high-quality innovative products with attractive designs and function, where as Windows Mobile is seen by as customers as unfriendly with unattractive design. The new Touch Diamond Smartphone of HTC received bad reviews because of Windows Mobile OS and its interface. In comparison, Google Android market is still young. Despite that it has no high market share yet, their share in the Smartphone OS platform market is likely to be doubled by end of 2010. Android phones contribute already more then a third of HTC’s total sale, so this can only benefit both companies in a positive way and Android has no license fee in comparison to Windows Mobile. Creating an own operating system is a good possibility too. Because of the increasing competition on smart phones, HTC needs to establish their brand name more then ever. With its high innovative power, it can create the right system that fits with the view of the company; focusing on a high quality product that is affordable. Because creating an own operating system has major costs, HTC needs to drop Windows Mobile OS and save the operating fees that it has to pay for Microsoft. Having said that, it has to really create an OS that is very different than others and it’s a very big challenge. HTC might anger Google if it decides to create its own operating system and might have to face some trouble. So, there are a lot of pluses and minuses from both sides. Below are some of the advantages and disadvantages of creating a new HTC operating system Advantages: †¢The company is highly innovative and the product designs are excellent and have already proven that it could move fast in the rapidly evolving mobile market. †¢Company embraces a culture of constantly experimenting with new ideas and technology. So an own Operating System fits the company, its culture and their competencies. †¢Owning an operating system will establish the brand name of HTC. Disadvantages: †¢It would cost a minimum of $200 million to develop a new OS; double what HTC spent in R&D. Cost is a major disadvantage of creating operating system. †¢The market for mobile OS is already very crowed. The HTC operating system will face severe competition. What are your recommendations for HTC to help it become the leading Smartphone company in the world? HTC has proved itself to be a good competitor in smartphone business and to become the leading smartphone company; it has to enter into developing countries like China and India where 3G networks has just opened up and hardly 5% of its total mobile market owns a smartphone. Geographically, Taiwan is so close to both the countries and since it has already built production and manufacturing facilities in China, it can really make a big difference in supply chain management. If it can come up with a wide variety of smartphones that is affordable by middle class people, it could make a huge difference in its revenue and profit margins. The immediate step to increase the sales would be to target the area where companies/customers are looking for alternatives. One of those target areas should be businesses professionals as currently the offering from RIM is receiving a big beating with its service and HTC could prove to be a better alternative for RIM if it could develop phones that could offer seamless service to customers by offering better compatibility to exchange, IM client and office integration apps. This will make them build a strong customer base and also help HTC to build its brand value in the market place. HTC should also target the niche market with producing smartphones with greater processor speeds, better camera, big screen phones, phones with touch screens, phones with qwerty keypads, phones with better integration with gaming devices like PlayStation, Xbox and Wii, good integration with social networking apps like Twitter, Facebook, Linked In et al. It could also partner with several companies and come up with hardware and software integration apps that are available as part of its OS but the same apps are available for a fee on other phones. An example would be to offer free voice enabled GPS system on every HTC phone by partnering with companies such as TomTom or Garmin and sharing revenue with them. This would create an edge for its products and will be a better alternative for other company phones.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Does Technology Always Improve Quality of Life Essay

In today’s globalised and modernised world, advancement in old technology resulted in modern technology and many discoveries have been made and quality of life of the people have improved as a result of availability of modern technology. Undoubtedly, modern technology has became a crucial and prominent aspects of our life. Although it has led to complications, it is actually reasonable to say that modern technology has very much improved the quality of life of people. Thus, I opine that modern technology does sometimes improve quality of life. Firstly, modern technology has improve quality of life through the improvement of healthcare services. Researches and development in the healthcare sector of society are conducted to find ways to make further improve quality of life. With the help of modern technology, for example, many different types of drugs and vaccines have been created and developed for disease prevention. The American medical announced that it is possible to vaccinate against brain cancer and perhaps more cancers can be vaccinated in a similar way. The chances of people contracting various illnesses are slim and thus, they live a healthier life. Some surgical procedures that were deemed extreme and dangerous in the past were made easier with modern surgical technology and the chances of succeeding was almost for sure, and one example is heart transplant. Hence, modern technology has lower the chances of us falling sick and increased the chances of recovering. Considering how modern technology has raise and increase life expectancy, allowing people to live healthier lives than before, it has proven to improve quality of life adversely for many people. Secondly, modern technology has improved transport and communication. In many countries, international trade is very important, as no one country can be self-sufficient in providing goods and services. This is especially so for a country like Singapore whereby we do not have a lot of natural resources and thus, our dependence on trade is large. Trade is heavily linked with transport and communication technology as they are vital for trade operations. For example, as a trading hub, Singapore has utilised modern technology to built cargo transportation cranes and in addition, communications between cargo ships and PSA improved and also position locating have became more accurate with the availability of modern technology. Hence more goods and services can be obtained and the people have more choices to consumed from, and they will be able to choice whatever is best for themselves, improving the quality of life. Thirdly, modern technology has increase productivity and made life easier for people as modern tools of production and industrialisation created by modern technology have enabled many countries to enjoy economical growth and create more wealth for the people and consequently creating better live for the citizens. For example, robots are used by many firms in Japan’s packing industries instead of human labour, and this robots such as the RF87 tokyo, are able to produce more output in a shorter period of time compared to human labour. This bring about increase productivity and consequently allowing success for the firms, and economic growth for the nation. Modern technology has also increase our access to information. Now, information technology is so advanced that we are able to find almost any kinds of information on the Internet just by typing certain key words in the search engines. With the increased efficiency and access to knowledge, society is able to identify opportunities for economic growth and with economic growth, quality of people’s lives can be improved. Furthermore, improving communication improves quality of life as information can be disseminated to everyone easily. Natural disasters in a certain country can be made known to the world almost immediately, thus allowing help to be provided quickly. For example, the earthquake that struck Haiti few years back was immediately reported to the rest of the world and countries like singapore were able to provide aid swiftly, so as to improve the quality of life of the victims. The needs of the people are catered to with the availability of modern technology, and has improve quality of life. Lastly, modern technology relieves global hunger. In the world, there are many people living in countries where they are faced with problems of lack of food, which may lead to starvation. This is especially so in developing countries where they are economically not stable and are not able to provide sufficiently for the people. Hence, with modern technology, for example, genetically modified food was developed whereby seeds of crops are injected with certain substances so as to develop traits that are favourable for a specific climate so as for the crop to grow well. Bacillus Thuringiensis(BT) bacteria is injected into corns to increase its resistivity to pests, and allowing them to grow in warmer environment. This allows more crops to be harvested. This is especially useful in third world countries such as Ethiopia whereby they live in regions that experience unpredictable climate, increasing food supply for the people, allowing them to stay nourished. Being more nourished, people will be less prone to falling sick as their daily nutritional requirements are met. Thus, they would live more healthy lives, improving their quality of life. Some people may argue that some of the certain substance used in the foods may cause allergic reactions to occur as some people maybe allergic to the substances. This may in turn lead to health problems, lowering quality of life. However, the efforts of developing GM food has largely improved the problem of hunger around the world, and as for the problem of allergies, this only affects very little amount of people, which can be solved for further advancement with technology. Hence, modern technology has improved quality of life’s. Modern technology does not always improve people’s quality of life, however, the benefits that modern technology has brought upon us greatly outweighs the limitations it carries. In our quest for development, we have no choice but to depend on and embrace modern technology, as the solutions for many problems in the world is dependant on modern technology. Modern technology has radically change the way we live and modern life will be greatly disrupted with technology.